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Altar Servers

t is an opportunity to serve the Lord in a special way at the Eucharist, Funeral Massae and other Liturgical celebrations.
This ministry is opened to children who have completed grade 4.
Parents are asked to encourage their children to consider entering this ministry.



Do you have a musical gift, enjoy singing, or just want to participate more at mass?
Consider joining the Choir in praising our Lord. St Michael's Parish has 4 masses over the weekend, and we are blessed that each mass has some musical accompaniment.
Consider joining the choir at any of the following masses:
5pm on Saturday
7am on Sunday
9:30am on Sunday
11:00am on Sunday

Enquiries can be made at the choir loft.
PS: There are no voice tests.
All are welcome! 

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

These ministers are adult Catholics who assist the priest in distributing the Holy Eucharist at Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may be called upon to bring the Eucharist to homebound parishioners who may be temporarily unable to participate in the Parish Liturgical celebrations, due to illness or recuperation. All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are trained and commissioned for this ministry.


Ministers of the Word

This ministry requires the ability to proclaim the Word of God confidently at Mass or other Liturgies. Formation is provided. If you have a well projected voice and you are articulate in your speech then this ministry is for you. 

Ministers of Hospitality

The ministry of hospitality welcomes parishioners and guests with a warm smile and a greeting, showing them to their seats, selecting parishioners to carry gifts during the offertory procession, collecting the offering and distributing bulletins for the weekend Masses. It requires that the volunteers arrive at least 20 minutes before Mass begins to set up and remain after Mass to clear up. New ministers including teens are most welcome.



Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The RCIA, a program of the Catholic Church, is oriented towards those who are searching and inquiring about the Catholic way of life. Through the RCIA, the Catholic Church extends an invitation to:
• Those who are not associated with a community of faith and who wish to become Catholics;
• Those who want to convert to Catholicism from another faith;
• Those who want to learn about the Catholic faith.
• These individuals may be involved in interfaith marriages or simply are actively involved in a Church of a different denomination and they want to learn more about the Catholic faith in the spirit of ecumenism.
• It is also available to Catholic parishioners who want to grow in their understanding of their faith.
If you know of any persons who are interested in joining the Catholic faith, encourage and invite them to join the RCIA programme.  


Rite of Christian Initiation of Children
RCIC is a program designed for children (Up to the age of 15) who have not received one or more of the sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. RCIC is preparation for these Sacraments and for reception into the Roman Catholic Church.


 37 Blackburn Road


Phone: (031) 5635618